中国海外学生联谊会(Chinese Overseas Students Association)简介
Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA)
Email: [email protected]
宣传部 (市场推广和传媒分部)
Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA) is the only Chinese student club registered in King’s college of Western University, and it has a ten-year history. Two years ago, COSA was established as to hold on the mission of providing real help to the students and promoting Chinese culture to the local community, and was renamed from King’s Chinese Student Association to the current name, COSA.
So far, COSA has had a professional and positive impression among all the campus of Western. The executives of COSA come from the students who are right now studying in any of the campus, and they are strictly selected by high standards. Their enthusiasm and conscientiousness always win positive feedback from the other students.
For its members, COSA tries to consider everyone in the team. Close relations has been developed among the President, Vice-presidents and executives in COSA’s different departments. The culture of COSA is consistently being a big family ever since it set up.
For Chinese international students, COSA strives to provide them a communication and interaction platform. It helps new students to adapt the London local community and university life through creating several types of activities. COSA has cooperated with the local community so that it can help students to accumulate more experience and build up further relations.
For Western University, COSA implies the idea of promoting Chinese Culture, as well as devoting to the diversity of USC clubs.
For London local community, COSA has largely contributed in connecting the community and university, being an important bridge between the two bodies. COSA does not only let the Chinese students have chances to communicate with London local community, but also provides chances for other residents to get in touch with Chinese culture and Chinese history.
Club's Structure
Department Events
The Department of Events is responsible for planning and organizing various entertainment and sport activities. By encouraging the students to participate in extra-curricular activities in a relaxing atmosphere, they are bonded more firmly through communication and interactions. Additionally, students are able to release their pressure from tense study at the same time.
During the academic year 2014-2015, COSA has organized a variety of events including the general meetings, coffee house, basketball games, and social events, etc. In particular, during the charity coffee house event held in April, 2015, the room was all packed; the laughter and applause permeated from the beginning to the end.
Department Finance
The Department of Finance is committed to make budgets for all the related departments and upcoming events. It play a significant role when it comes to maintaining a good financial position, negotiating with potential sponsors and establishing a positive relationship with the future partners.
In order to communicate with Chinese and Canadian sponsors more effectively, COSA has created both Mandarin and English sub-divisions within Finance. Through dividing the executives according to their preferred language skill, each of them can take advantage at their work to the greatest extent.
Department Promotion (Marketing and Media)
The main duties of the Department of Promotion include pre- and post- promoting the club events, posting real-time club information on social media pages, designing poster and releasing feedback for the events with video summaries.
The Department of Promotion is like a broadcasting speaker of COSA. By using various information platforms to promote the activities among students and within the community, the central idea of each event and the culture of COSA is broadly delivered. It effectively strengthens the popularity and influence of the club in the campus and community.
Department Student Issue
In addition to the entertainment activities, the Department of Student Issues often organizes events that can be really helpful in terms of student’ study and life. In order to help students adapt to their life in Canada more quickly, Student Issue invites the local professionals from telecommunications, banking, insurance and taxation careers to do presentations at Western. In the presentations, students are introduced to the precious and necessary information that they desire to know.
In spite of the international students’ life topics, The Department of Student Issue also regularly invites outstanding Western seniors or graduates to help answer the questions regarding course enrollment, academic performance and employment in the form of presentation or group discussion.
Department Public Relations
The Department of Public Relation is newly established in the spring of 2014. Its main task is divided into two parts: externally, Public Relations is responsible for communicating with USC and its registered clubs, Chinese consulate, Ontario Student Association Union and other bodies to discuss the potential partnership and establish friendly relations; internally, Public Relation acts as a medium that builds bridges between all COSA executing departments, and assist them in their communications with outside agencies.
Featured Department: "Western Pedia"
Western Pedia was created in early 2013 under the leadership of a number of enthusiastic and responsible Chinese students. As the featured department of COSA, Western Pedia is able to gather information including the weather forecast, local news, rental or home purchase advertisements and other living guides. Such platform provides a convenient way for international students to know what is going on around their life, and to learn about the immigration policies for those who have the intentions.
Soonly, Western Pedia will upload the directory and guide of London on its home page. This new and release will completely cover the dining, housing, transporting, traveling and class enrollment here in London as introduced. Western Pedia’s ultimate goal is to let the students be more familiar to the school and the city, so that they can enjoy a better campus experience.
在上一个学年度,COSA还举办了慈善公益演出(charity coffee house),在使同学们从繁重学习任务中得到休息的同时,也帮助了伦敦当地的非营利性组织筹集善款。值得一提的还有2014年COSA所举办的篮球赛,这项赛事重新点燃了同学们的竞技体育和团队合作精神。除以上两个娱乐及体育板块的代表性活动以外,COSA还持续地组织了一系列的知识讲座(Info Session),指导同学们解决出现在学习和生活中的各方面问题。以上的三个活动,也将会在活动介绍后面的板块中得到详细地描述。
慈善公益演出(Charity coffee house)
知识讲座(info session)
在2014年9月新学期伊始,COSA举办了一次关于牙科保健计划(Dental Plan)的知识讲座。许多中国留学生都认为在加拿大检查牙齿费用非常昂贵,也不知道自己的学费当中有牙科保健计划的费用,甚至连牙齿有了健康问题也舍不得去伦敦当地的牙医处检查。COSA积极地为大家提供帮助,使学生们关注自己的健康,并拥有一个更好的学习生活。前来提供讲座的牙医也会就牙齿健康方面为学生们提供大量意见,教授大家如何避免未来牙齿问题的小方法。
另外,COSA也举办了Business 2257和1220E两门课程的复习讲座。同学们普遍反映,在学习这两门使用毅伟商学院案例教学法的课程时,会遇到一些难题。同时,语言方面的短缺也造成了这个难题更加复杂。COSA发现这一问题后,组织举办了针对这两门高难度课程的学习讲座。高年级的优秀学生们被邀请到讲座中来,帮助其他学生们解决当下的学习难题,同时分享自己的宝贵经验,帮助正在学习这两门学科的学生们准备下一次的考试。
Event summaries
During the 2014-2015 academic year, Chinese Overseas Student Association (COSA) had make its biggest effort to be one of the best clubs operating at Western. Responsible and enthusiastic VPs and executives from all 6 apartments in COSA made steady efforts in organizing varied activities in order to assist and enrich students’ life.
Within the year, COSA has provided abundant valuable information to broad masses by different methods during the year to ensure people were able to read and benefit from it. For instance, COSA published promotional information about plane tickets, trips and house rent ads on Facebook, Wechat and many other network communication platforms every half-month, providing the most convenient services for all the international students, especially who arrived Canada for the first time, and gave them warm hugs to expel the loneliness of leaving the hometown.
In addition, COSA sent upperclassmen to assist the first year students with handling bank account and SIM card problems, which was a passing-on tradition of COSA nowadays. Students in upper years helped the lower years students, whom would help future students. In this case, COSA created a chance for students to know each other and form the big united family, which was the COSA itself.
COSA also conducted charity events like charity coffee house, giving students an opportunity to take a break from the heavy study work as well as support local non-profitable organizations. The basketball game held by COSA was also a spotlight during 2014, while it reminded students of sports and team spirit. In addition to the entertaining and sports event mentioned above, COSA continuously organized info sessions to guide the students through solving any problems in their study or campus life. The coffee house, basketball game and the series of info sessions will be more specifically discussed in the following sections.
Through all the activities, students from either inside or outside of COSA both got enjoyable and unforgettable experience. Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA) will continue to work hard to serve the students and society this year.
Event examples
Charity coffee house
One of the biggest events COSA held in 2015 was the April coffee house, which was a non-profitable charity event. Performers were invited freely, and they would stand up on the stage, competing for the prize of “Highest Donation”. Otherwise, audiences were broadly encouraged to join in the event without being charged for any entrance fee.
The coffee house got a huge success as the performances were truly enjoyable and contained dynamic show styles such as close-up magic, singing, and guitar and piano playing. Influenced by the hot atmosphere, a large number of students flew into the room and participated in the final voting for the best performance.
Since the “votes” performers got were in a form of charity donation, the good response we’ve finally got were transferred to the raise of hundreds of funds. All the money voluntarily donated by the audiences showed that they really enjoyed watching the show, and their deeply buried true heart for charity were brought up as well.
All the money raised directly went to the Children’s Care Foundation as a piece of love for children. We believed this was an unforgettable and meaningful event, as it was an integration of western and eastern culture, merging Chinese shows in to a western atmosphere; most importantly , people enjoyed the performance and did help children who need help at the meantime.
COSA basketball game
As a symbol of COSA’s sports events, a basketball game was held last year which attracted many students who are talented and addicted to this popular sport.
The game was held in November 16th. More than 10 teams participated in the game, and the whole process was divided into four rounds to guarantee it was well organized.
The final competition was really intense. Everyone in the court held their breath when the game went into the last three minutes, until a buzzer beater ended the entire game. During the games, every team and each of its members strove and tried their best to win. Students tended to practice their teamwork skill and developed new friendship. All players demonstrated their respect not only for the teammates as well as the opponents, which was the original intention of this activity and made it all worthwhile.
Because of the entire success, basketball game is considered to become one tradition activity held by COSA.
Info session
At the beginning of a new semester in September 2014, COSA held a dental plan
introduction session. Many international student believed the dentist fee was really expensive and they did not know about their own dental plan, and they never went to the dentist in London even when they have some problems with their teeth. COSA’s enthusiastic assistance gave them a big hand to take care their own health and help the students to live a better life during the school year. The dentist coming to the session also gave students lots of advice about their teeth in order to avoid future problem of their own teeth.
Otherwise, COSA also had the review sessions for the lesson Business 2257 and 1220E. Many a student had trouble when studying these two courses because they absorbed the case study method from Ivey Business School. The language problem also came into play and made the challenge even harder to overcome. Thus, COSA stood out and held this information session. Seniors and top students were invited to help others work through their difficulties met in the learning, and also share precious experience to assist them getting prepared for the upcoming exam.
A special info session designed particularly for the students who would like to apply to IVEY Business school took place in 2014 as well. As a big and hard goal to achieve, students from the first two years usually got confused and anxious on the complicated application steps of getting into Ivey. As to meet those students’ need, COSA invited currently Ivey Business School students into the session and welcome them to share their experiences when applied to Ivey, and used their real study experience there to give the freshmen a closer impression of their imagined life. It also formed a relaxing environment for the students to freely socialize with each other, potentially meet their future colleagues.
Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA)
Email: [email protected]
宣传部 (市场推广和传媒分部)
Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA) is the only Chinese student club registered in King’s college of Western University, and it has a ten-year history. Two years ago, COSA was established as to hold on the mission of providing real help to the students and promoting Chinese culture to the local community, and was renamed from King’s Chinese Student Association to the current name, COSA.
So far, COSA has had a professional and positive impression among all the campus of Western. The executives of COSA come from the students who are right now studying in any of the campus, and they are strictly selected by high standards. Their enthusiasm and conscientiousness always win positive feedback from the other students.
For its members, COSA tries to consider everyone in the team. Close relations has been developed among the President, Vice-presidents and executives in COSA’s different departments. The culture of COSA is consistently being a big family ever since it set up.
For Chinese international students, COSA strives to provide them a communication and interaction platform. It helps new students to adapt the London local community and university life through creating several types of activities. COSA has cooperated with the local community so that it can help students to accumulate more experience and build up further relations.
For Western University, COSA implies the idea of promoting Chinese Culture, as well as devoting to the diversity of USC clubs.
For London local community, COSA has largely contributed in connecting the community and university, being an important bridge between the two bodies. COSA does not only let the Chinese students have chances to communicate with London local community, but also provides chances for other residents to get in touch with Chinese culture and Chinese history.
Club's Structure
Department Events
The Department of Events is responsible for planning and organizing various entertainment and sport activities. By encouraging the students to participate in extra-curricular activities in a relaxing atmosphere, they are bonded more firmly through communication and interactions. Additionally, students are able to release their pressure from tense study at the same time.
During the academic year 2014-2015, COSA has organized a variety of events including the general meetings, coffee house, basketball games, and social events, etc. In particular, during the charity coffee house event held in April, 2015, the room was all packed; the laughter and applause permeated from the beginning to the end.
Department Finance
The Department of Finance is committed to make budgets for all the related departments and upcoming events. It play a significant role when it comes to maintaining a good financial position, negotiating with potential sponsors and establishing a positive relationship with the future partners.
In order to communicate with Chinese and Canadian sponsors more effectively, COSA has created both Mandarin and English sub-divisions within Finance. Through dividing the executives according to their preferred language skill, each of them can take advantage at their work to the greatest extent.
Department Promotion (Marketing and Media)
The main duties of the Department of Promotion include pre- and post- promoting the club events, posting real-time club information on social media pages, designing poster and releasing feedback for the events with video summaries.
The Department of Promotion is like a broadcasting speaker of COSA. By using various information platforms to promote the activities among students and within the community, the central idea of each event and the culture of COSA is broadly delivered. It effectively strengthens the popularity and influence of the club in the campus and community.
Department Student Issue
In addition to the entertainment activities, the Department of Student Issues often organizes events that can be really helpful in terms of student’ study and life. In order to help students adapt to their life in Canada more quickly, Student Issue invites the local professionals from telecommunications, banking, insurance and taxation careers to do presentations at Western. In the presentations, students are introduced to the precious and necessary information that they desire to know.
In spite of the international students’ life topics, The Department of Student Issue also regularly invites outstanding Western seniors or graduates to help answer the questions regarding course enrollment, academic performance and employment in the form of presentation or group discussion.
Department Public Relations
The Department of Public Relation is newly established in the spring of 2014. Its main task is divided into two parts: externally, Public Relations is responsible for communicating with USC and its registered clubs, Chinese consulate, Ontario Student Association Union and other bodies to discuss the potential partnership and establish friendly relations; internally, Public Relation acts as a medium that builds bridges between all COSA executing departments, and assist them in their communications with outside agencies.
Featured Department: "Western Pedia"
Western Pedia was created in early 2013 under the leadership of a number of enthusiastic and responsible Chinese students. As the featured department of COSA, Western Pedia is able to gather information including the weather forecast, local news, rental or home purchase advertisements and other living guides. Such platform provides a convenient way for international students to know what is going on around their life, and to learn about the immigration policies for those who have the intentions.
Soonly, Western Pedia will upload the directory and guide of London on its home page. This new and release will completely cover the dining, housing, transporting, traveling and class enrollment here in London as introduced. Western Pedia’s ultimate goal is to let the students be more familiar to the school and the city, so that they can enjoy a better campus experience.
在上一个学年度,COSA还举办了慈善公益演出(charity coffee house),在使同学们从繁重学习任务中得到休息的同时,也帮助了伦敦当地的非营利性组织筹集善款。值得一提的还有2014年COSA所举办的篮球赛,这项赛事重新点燃了同学们的竞技体育和团队合作精神。除以上两个娱乐及体育板块的代表性活动以外,COSA还持续地组织了一系列的知识讲座(Info Session),指导同学们解决出现在学习和生活中的各方面问题。以上的三个活动,也将会在活动介绍后面的板块中得到详细地描述。
慈善公益演出(Charity coffee house)
知识讲座(info session)
在2014年9月新学期伊始,COSA举办了一次关于牙科保健计划(Dental Plan)的知识讲座。许多中国留学生都认为在加拿大检查牙齿费用非常昂贵,也不知道自己的学费当中有牙科保健计划的费用,甚至连牙齿有了健康问题也舍不得去伦敦当地的牙医处检查。COSA积极地为大家提供帮助,使学生们关注自己的健康,并拥有一个更好的学习生活。前来提供讲座的牙医也会就牙齿健康方面为学生们提供大量意见,教授大家如何避免未来牙齿问题的小方法。
另外,COSA也举办了Business 2257和1220E两门课程的复习讲座。同学们普遍反映,在学习这两门使用毅伟商学院案例教学法的课程时,会遇到一些难题。同时,语言方面的短缺也造成了这个难题更加复杂。COSA发现这一问题后,组织举办了针对这两门高难度课程的学习讲座。高年级的优秀学生们被邀请到讲座中来,帮助其他学生们解决当下的学习难题,同时分享自己的宝贵经验,帮助正在学习这两门学科的学生们准备下一次的考试。
Event summaries
During the 2014-2015 academic year, Chinese Overseas Student Association (COSA) had make its biggest effort to be one of the best clubs operating at Western. Responsible and enthusiastic VPs and executives from all 6 apartments in COSA made steady efforts in organizing varied activities in order to assist and enrich students’ life.
Within the year, COSA has provided abundant valuable information to broad masses by different methods during the year to ensure people were able to read and benefit from it. For instance, COSA published promotional information about plane tickets, trips and house rent ads on Facebook, Wechat and many other network communication platforms every half-month, providing the most convenient services for all the international students, especially who arrived Canada for the first time, and gave them warm hugs to expel the loneliness of leaving the hometown.
In addition, COSA sent upperclassmen to assist the first year students with handling bank account and SIM card problems, which was a passing-on tradition of COSA nowadays. Students in upper years helped the lower years students, whom would help future students. In this case, COSA created a chance for students to know each other and form the big united family, which was the COSA itself.
COSA also conducted charity events like charity coffee house, giving students an opportunity to take a break from the heavy study work as well as support local non-profitable organizations. The basketball game held by COSA was also a spotlight during 2014, while it reminded students of sports and team spirit. In addition to the entertaining and sports event mentioned above, COSA continuously organized info sessions to guide the students through solving any problems in their study or campus life. The coffee house, basketball game and the series of info sessions will be more specifically discussed in the following sections.
Through all the activities, students from either inside or outside of COSA both got enjoyable and unforgettable experience. Chinese Overseas Students Association (COSA) will continue to work hard to serve the students and society this year.
Event examples
Charity coffee house
One of the biggest events COSA held in 2015 was the April coffee house, which was a non-profitable charity event. Performers were invited freely, and they would stand up on the stage, competing for the prize of “Highest Donation”. Otherwise, audiences were broadly encouraged to join in the event without being charged for any entrance fee.
The coffee house got a huge success as the performances were truly enjoyable and contained dynamic show styles such as close-up magic, singing, and guitar and piano playing. Influenced by the hot atmosphere, a large number of students flew into the room and participated in the final voting for the best performance.
Since the “votes” performers got were in a form of charity donation, the good response we’ve finally got were transferred to the raise of hundreds of funds. All the money voluntarily donated by the audiences showed that they really enjoyed watching the show, and their deeply buried true heart for charity were brought up as well.
All the money raised directly went to the Children’s Care Foundation as a piece of love for children. We believed this was an unforgettable and meaningful event, as it was an integration of western and eastern culture, merging Chinese shows in to a western atmosphere; most importantly , people enjoyed the performance and did help children who need help at the meantime.
COSA basketball game
As a symbol of COSA’s sports events, a basketball game was held last year which attracted many students who are talented and addicted to this popular sport.
The game was held in November 16th. More than 10 teams participated in the game, and the whole process was divided into four rounds to guarantee it was well organized.
The final competition was really intense. Everyone in the court held their breath when the game went into the last three minutes, until a buzzer beater ended the entire game. During the games, every team and each of its members strove and tried their best to win. Students tended to practice their teamwork skill and developed new friendship. All players demonstrated their respect not only for the teammates as well as the opponents, which was the original intention of this activity and made it all worthwhile.
Because of the entire success, basketball game is considered to become one tradition activity held by COSA.
Info session
At the beginning of a new semester in September 2014, COSA held a dental plan
introduction session. Many international student believed the dentist fee was really expensive and they did not know about their own dental plan, and they never went to the dentist in London even when they have some problems with their teeth. COSA’s enthusiastic assistance gave them a big hand to take care their own health and help the students to live a better life during the school year. The dentist coming to the session also gave students lots of advice about their teeth in order to avoid future problem of their own teeth.
Otherwise, COSA also had the review sessions for the lesson Business 2257 and 1220E. Many a student had trouble when studying these two courses because they absorbed the case study method from Ivey Business School. The language problem also came into play and made the challenge even harder to overcome. Thus, COSA stood out and held this information session. Seniors and top students were invited to help others work through their difficulties met in the learning, and also share precious experience to assist them getting prepared for the upcoming exam.
A special info session designed particularly for the students who would like to apply to IVEY Business school took place in 2014 as well. As a big and hard goal to achieve, students from the first two years usually got confused and anxious on the complicated application steps of getting into Ivey. As to meet those students’ need, COSA invited currently Ivey Business School students into the session and welcome them to share their experiences when applied to Ivey, and used their real study experience there to give the freshmen a closer impression of their imagined life. It also formed a relaxing environment for the students to freely socialize with each other, potentially meet their future colleagues.
