Lift some burden off my parents' shoulder

Dear Scholarship Selection Committee,
I have loved traveling since I was a little girl. I dreamed about living in a foreign country, reading its culture, speaking its language and meeting new people.
Thanks to my parents, who have always been extremely supportive in my decisions, this dream finally have came true when they sent me to Canada for my secondary school education. Living alone in a foreign country at a relatively young age, there were many ups and downs. There were times when I felt helpless and lonely, sometimes a little lost in the great freedom that has been granted to me. However, once the hardship has passed, what's left behind is a stronger, more independent me. Most important of all, a self-initiated goal for my future, which, at the time I was sixteen, was to attend a great university.
I am now twenty years old, currently a second year student at University of Toronto, the top ranked university in Canada. I love the diversity of my school, it gives me the opportunity to meet all types of people and learn subjects and areas that I have never touched on before. For my first year of university, I enrolled in a wide variety of courses in a wide variety of departments. I learned three languages (Korean, Russian, and French), mise-en-scene and gravity (cinemas studies and astronomy), classical conditioning and Plato (psychology and philosophy), and much more. To be honest, I did not do very well in my first year, in fact, I dropped a course and even failed one of my courses. This is a hard lesson that I've learned in the first year and I am making sure that this will never happen again.
The first year of university has really have taught me a lot. I have came to realization that I can only be happy if I am pursuing something I truly love. I found myself in love with different languages and the cultures behind them, I am also very interested in psychology. Therefore, I have decide enrolled into Linguistic Specialist and French Minor, while preparing to apply for Psychology Major next year.
Linguistic is the study of human languages, it focuses on the nature of human language and how its many systems can be accounted for. I'm currently new to linguistic, and despite the fact that all the new information is overwhelming (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and a bunch of other things unheard of), I'm loving this course. I feel like I finally found the area of study I would love to study for the rest of my university life and maybe longer.
There are many more that I would want to say in this personal statement, however, I would like to close the statement by saying that university is a crucial stage in one's life, where he/her discover the most about his/her future and dreams. Everyday is filled with inspiring moments and every moment is an opportunity to learn more about one's self. As an international student, I love the benefits that university has given me but hate the ridiculously expensive price for it. Therefore, I am applying for this scholarship, hoping that it can help to lift some burden off my parents' shoulder.

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