"applicants must be interviewed, successfully complete mentor training, and be available to mentor new students at the beginning of next semester. If you are in the final semester of your program, unfortunately you are not eligible to become a mentor."
1 个回复
Jace_ - 问吧种子
赞同来自: 酥萌萌
3.通过面试后,需要登陆 Seneca SMILE 网上申请mentor training,完成培训后就可以在下一学期成为一名Seneca SMILE Mentor.
"applicants must be interviewed, successfully complete mentor training, and be available to mentor new students at the beginning of next semester. If you are in the final semester of your program, unfortunately you are not eligible to become a mentor."
详情请浏览:https://inside.senecacollege.c ... .html