Queen's Commerce 有哪些年度大型 Conference 或 Competition ?


自然而蘭 - 以环游世界为目标的吃货 问吧种子


Queen's Commerce 学生们每年自主办的 Conference 和 Competition 是一大特色。 下面是我大概列出的 2014 到 2015 年 Queen's Commerce 的 学生们举办的主要活动。

活动 | 地点 | 时间 | 网址

  • Queen's Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship (QACE) | Kingston | September 26 - 28 | qace.ca

  • Queen's Business Forum on the Fashion Industry (Q'BFFI) | Kingston | November 14 - 16 |comsoc.queensu.ca/qbffi

  • Queen's Conference on the Business Environment Today (Q'BET) | Kingston | October 31 - November 3 | qbet2013.com

  • Queen's Women in Leadership Conference (QWIL) | Kingston | November 7 - 10 | qwil.ca

  • Queen’s Leadership, Excellence and Development Conference (QLEAD) | Kingston | October 7 - 10 | qlead.ca

  • Queen's Finance Association Conference (QFAC) | Toronto | November 7 - 10 | qfac.ca

  • DECA Queen's Invitational | Kingston | October 15 - 17 | comsoc.queensu.ca/ deca/wp
