

张灯结彩 - 问吧团队成员

赞同来自: 赵平原

McGill比较看重校内成绩,规范可信的本科成绩单很重要,GPA最好在3.7以上,或者在学校的前10%,3.5或者30%基本保险,这点别信官网上说的3或者3.2. 作为一个14座图书馆中有3座都通宵开放的大学,其学霸程度可见一斑。工科具体的我了解不多,不过对于研究生申请,推荐信很重要,最好是来自在相关领域有一定知名度的教授。对于没有在加拿大读本科的申请者要求GRE成绩,对于没有在认可的英文教育机构读过本科或者研究生院的申请者要求托福成绩。

其实加拿大的学校大多很喜欢录来自中国的国际学生,尤其是UT, McGill, UBC和Waterloo. 尤其近期本地学生strike搞得比较欢实,加拿大很多省都已作出承诺三年之内不涨学费,所以肯定会进一步扩招国际学生解决财政难题。以上说的成绩有自然好,没有也不必忧虑。申请学校跟谈恋爱一样,得随缘。
GRE Requirement: A GRE score on the General Aptitude Test is required by all students who have not completed their undergraduate or graduate degree in Canada. A minimum total score of 1100 for the verbal and quantitative sections and a minimum score of 3.5/6.0 on the analytical writing assessment section is required. Official results must be received before the Dates for Guaranteed Consideration.
Applications will be considered upon receipt of:
  1. completed application form;
  2. application fee (CAD$100);
  3. two official copies of all previous and current transcripts;
  4. two reference letters (sent directly by the referees);
  5. Area of Research and Applicant Profile Form;
  6. Proof of English Proficiency and GRE scores (if applicable).
Electrical and Computer Engineering的详细项目信息请参见以下链接:
http://www.mcgill.ca/gradappli ... ing-0
